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How This Blog Began

+Welcome to this blog at the Foot of the Cross+   

The title stems from an arduous journey of faith, up the hill of Calvary, both literally and figuratively.  My story begins with a tragedy that found me laying prostrate at the Foot of the Cross.  Hence, the photo on our blog header.  The photo is taken from Calvary Cemetery where I tragically laid a young husband to rest.  I continue to make an annual pilgrimage up the hill to Calvary each Lenten season, God willing. Figuratively, I go to the foot of the Cross each day.  It is here where I find the Easter hope that keeps me focused on our ultimate family goal of Heaven.

It has been a healing experience to write about grief that has led me on a beautiful faith journey as a revert to the fullness of the Catholic faith, spilling over to a family that has blessed me beyond measure, including remarriage to a husband who is my hero and 5 earthly children ( plus little Vincent in heaven:) who work at sanctifying me every day.

  The primary mission of this blog is to share faith, hope, and love, through the truth and beauty of the Catholic church. It is also my hope that sharing ideas about living out the liturgical year or homeschooling will help and encourage others, even in some small way.  Beware, I'm one big liturgical loon! 

Somewhere a long the way, this blog has become my Mama Cave...A place to contemplate and share the spiritual life in this little space of time. Thank you for joining me here and I hope you find a little comfort to make the visit worthwhile.

" I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." ~Galatians 2:20~