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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sacred Heart of Jesus Wreath

~Sacred Heart of Jesus Wreath~
There is still time to make a lovely Sacred Heart of Jesus wreath since the whole month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart...
~This was a really easy craft to adorn your front door or home altar!~
*My daughter Princess (age 7) was a good helper*
We started with a foam heart and silk red roses, found at Michael's...
~Most of the roses were stuck right into the foam...Sometimes with a little help from my (hot glue) friend~
~We added some dried birch tree branches for the woven thorns through the middle...Think we'll add a bit more to make it a thicker weave~
~The cross(on top)with flames was "originally" made from painted craft sticks and silk red petals, once again with a little help from the hot glue gun~ (I think I would use natural objects for the cross next time..In fact, I may end up with a re-do very soon.  The craft sticks look a bit out of place!) I ended up re-doing the cross with natural sticks.  I think it looks much better this way. (Photo at top and bottom)
Here are some ways to display the finished wreath.... 
~We took a photo with our wreath hung inside our entry way~
~Then we hung it on our front door~
~It seemed a little bare so we attached it to a plain white wreath we had on hand~
**Everyone agreed "Much better" for the front door**
I'm just loving the idea of a liturgical wreath!
We can detach the Sacred Heart wreath and use it for our home altar when we are through the month of June!  
Here are a few photos of the "re-do", using natural branches from the backyard and more twigs for the center thorn weave...
Much better, don't you think?


  1. beautiful! I love the branches for the cross of thorns across the middle. and so lovely with the Sacred Heart of jesus statue in the foreground.

  2. lovely creation! your beautiful family and creative creations are definitely witnessing to many. keep the faith and keep creating!
    pax christi - lena
    p.s. i checked my tues. morning store for a statue of the Scared Heart of Jesus but didn't turn up anything. i love your find.

  3. This is absolutely beautiful!!! I love it! What a great idea!

    I've actually seen the "liturgical wreath" idea before somewhere. Let me see if I can find my archived link...

    Ah ha! Found them!
    Here's one:
    Here's another:

    The amount of links that I save is UNREAL! Lol! I love the idea of liturgical wreaths, too! I love that you kept working with it until you loved it :-)

  4. Thanks to each of you for the encouraging words! And Lacy, thanks for the awesome links on the liturgical wreaths...My wheels are turning;-) May the LOVE of the Sacred and Immaculate hearts fill your homes these feast days and always!

  5. What a gorgeous wreath! Your family is so blessed by you!

    Thank you for sharing and God bless!

  6. Dear Tiffany,
    I love this wreath.
    You have done a great job with this.

  7. Hello Tiffany
    I have just discovered your blog through another blog that I follow. I just LOVE your Sacred Heart wreath! What a beautiful idea and it is one that I am going to try and do myself. I say 'try' because I am all thumbs when it comes to crafts of any kind. However, I am going out tomorrow to but the materials and I will make an attempt at the wreath. Even if I don't manage it, I will definitely pass the idea on to my friends. Thanks, Tiffany, and God bless you. Keep on blogging!

  8. I really like this idea. I have just posted a link to it on my blog. This wreath is really worth sharing. Nice blog you have here.

  9. Nice to meet you Kelly, Breadgirl, and Puzzled. I consider myself "craft handicapped" so if I made this, anyone can! Be sure to share a link if you end up making one;-) Blessings through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!

  10. Incredible! Its so beautiful.

  11. Beautiful wreath. Thanks for sharing, I have a basket in the form of a heart that I used for my valentine wreath. I think that I will use it to make a Sacred heart wreat.

  12. Thanks to puzzled's link to your wreath I've seen this and the final version is absolutely beautiful... next year...

  13. Just lovely Tiffany! You are your helper did a great job glorifying Jesus through your Sacred Heart wreath. And I agree, it does pop out more attached to the pretty white flowers. I love too that it's on your front door. I wonder how many people walk by and see it and our touched by the hand of God?

  14. Thank you for linking up too!!
