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Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Cup Of Grace from Above

Dove Cloud Flying
Over our Parish Shrine to
Our Lady of Fatima
Feast of St. Padre Pio

What a cup of grace I received on my morning walk last week!  As I approached our Parish Shrine I was struck by the glory of this cloud that was flying above Our Lady of Fatima.
Can you see the dove?
I kept snapping photos with my phone, just praying I'd have some good pictures to keep and share!
I just loved this one with the sunlight reflecting...
This breath-taking dove cloud seemed to hover over the shrine for quite some time, not breaking up very quickly.  I was nearly frozen as I gazed upon this wondrous image in the clouds....Holy Spirit came to mind.
Thirty minutes later, I read this scripture before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: 
"But, as it is written, what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him, God has revealed to us through the spirit.  For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God."
~1 Corinthians 2:9-10~
Then I read this:
In the words of St. Therese of Lisieux:
(See Resource below)
"When...trials come my way...I shall remember what my eyes have seen today.  This thought will encourage me and I shall easily forget my own little interests, recalling the grandeur and power of God, this God whom I want to love alone."
Followed by this Prayer:
"So many times I have seen spectacular views and was amazed at Your goodness.  Thank You, Father, for this gift You have given to me.  Help me to stop more often in the middle of my busy schedule and appreciate all of nature's beauty around me.  Your creation is a treasure to hold.  Amen"
What can I say, I have no words... Just a heart filled with thanksgiving for this cup of grace from above!
~Excerpts taken from "Praying In The Presence of Our Lord with St. Therese of Lisieux"~

{All photos shown here were taken by the author of this blog}
*Please do not reproduce without permission*


  1. These photos are gorgeous! Thanks for the encouraging quotes/verses. Have a very blessed week!

  2. Wow! Isn't it amazing when God seems to be just talking to you. And no one else. I treasure these moments, not that I've seen one like that! Grace-filled moments indeed!

  3. What a blessing to be reminded throughout the day of the beauty of nature that God gifted you with! What a lovely way He has of showing us that He is always near, always loving us!

  4. wow! What a beautiful scene! That is a blessing!

  5. just beautiful, both your post and the photos you snapped -- what telling images you captured. and that experience you had that morning, those are the ones we all hope for, and yearn for. thanks for sharing.
