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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Mother Mary!

~Singing Praises To Our Lady as we celebrate her Blessed Birth~
 We had fun making birthday cupcakes in honor of Our Lady!
~It was the perfect time to have our first afternoon tea for the year~
Angel Baby is named after Our Lady but she is not looking so "lady"-like here...
Got 2-year olds???
She was so proud of her Mary-blue tongue!
I also posted some photos over at Catholic Cuisine since The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is coming up on September 12th.  Does it seem like every day is a cupcake over here????
"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting...[she]cried out in a loud voice..."Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb."~Luke 1,42.~


  1. The cupcakes look delicious and your tea time table looks so lovely!

  2. Looks beautiful!! You always do wonderful things Tiffany! I loved it!

  3. Oh a tea, to go with your lovely cupcakes. wonderful. My daughter is named after Our Lady too.

  4. cupcakes are the easiest and is always a crowd pleaser. I'm starting to take a cue from you and Charlotte.

    My husband picked a daughter's name out after Our Lady as well!
