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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter Book Wonder

I always love good book recommendations!
Therefore, I just had to share a few that I recently "stumbled" upon.

We are working on a Winter Unit (K-3)here at home.  
These are a few of our "new" favorites that we were able check out from 
our local library.
I just loved this one and its sweet rhythm.
It reflects a large family in a joyful light
and ends with a gentle spiritual touch.

This book can be set to the "Twelve Days of Christmas" tune!
(Perfect right after Christmas)
The story centers around all the things you can use to build a snowman...
Some good ideas and fun counting.

I just love author Lois Ehlert.
Her books are great for art projects as her illustrations are often created using shapes.  We read this one and got some great ideas!
This site called Kinder Korner has some great learning extension ideas for Lois Ehlert books and other winter themed books, to include a  wonderful Jan Brett author study!

This is a true story about a boy who was homeschooled!
Fascinating fit for kids.
Wilson A. Bentley developed a technique of micro-photography
to reveal to the world the grandeur and mystery of the snowflake!  He followed his dreams, using the gifts God gave him...Great for after-reading conversation!

This was just a precious little story and great counting fun!
I enjoyed the watercolor illustrations.

Our absolute favorite is one that I already mentioned in another post about the virtue of Charity.  This was the cutest darned book with a wonderful lesson!  It ended up being a new purchase for our  book shelf.

So these are a few of our recommendations...
How about you?  We would love to hear about your favorite winter stories!

Almost forgot to mention this "Through The Looking Glass" link .  It also gives some great reviews on winter books and others.  I like that it shows a little picture of the book cover.

And one final recommendation for Mamas!
I am loving this easy little book of reflections, new from Karen Edmisten.
~Through The Year With Mary~365 Reflections~
I find these snippets of soul food to be perfect prayer aspirations for my day, keeping me focused on All For Jesus, Through Mother Mary.
Ave Maria!


  1. I love book talk! Snowflake Bentley is a beautiful story. I will have to check out One Winters Day. We enjoy Katy and the Big Snow, Owl Moon, Winters Gift (a tear jerker!) and Stopping By Woods on a Snow Evening w/ illustrations by Susan Jeffers. Enjoy your winter study ~ I have had enough of winter myself, I could use some CA sunshine!!

  2. Adorable books! I have not seen "One Winter's Day". Just the cover makes me want to read it.

    I think you and Jen covered all the "winter" stories except "The Snowy Day"- I love that book.

    The Year With Mary looks interesting. I have been looking for something for this year, but have not yet decided.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Tiffany, thanks for sharing your recent good finds. It's good to hear from other mommas what is working well with their children. I'll have to pick up One Winter's Day. and will check out the others. I have heard of Karen E's new book. glad to hear it too is a good source of faith life.
