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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feast of the Presentation

Happy Candlemas!

I love the significance of the Feast of the Presentation, also called Candlemas, symbolizing Christ as the Light of the World.  This Joyful Mystery of Simeon recognizing The Lord, who has come in the flesh to redeem the world, is so full of hope.  It lands at the perfect time in the dead of the winter.  We begin longing for the light through the storms of the season...How fitting that our beautiful faith sends out this beacon of hope, just when we need it the most.
"For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."
~Luke 2:27-29~
We look forward to had to cancel attending Mass this feast day, since little ones woke up in the night with a fever! Our church does not have a Candle-Mass procession so I have never seen this take place...But it sounds de"light"ful.  We will still try to have our candles blessed.

These little Crafty Paper Candles were fun and easy to make, though not original!
{The children will place them on shelves in their rooms or on their school desks to remind them of Jesus, Light of the World}
Paper Candle Instructions:
Toilet paper roll
Aluminum foil or colored paper
Christ child image (We used recycled Christmas cards)
Red paper flame
Prayer copied for back
Cover toilet tissue tubes with aluminum foil or colored paper.  Glue paper flame to the top of the tube.  Cut out picture of baby Jesus from a used Christmas card picture( or use a sticker) and glue to center of the candle.  Attach this little prayer to the back:
"Jesus, you are the light of the World.
We know that you are the Good News of love and hope in our lives.
We know that your light and love will get us through any difficult and dark times.
Be with us.
In your name we pray.

I couldn't resist making these "Edible Candles" that were posted over at Catholic Cuisine. I thought they looked so easy, cute, and yummy!
This was my practice attempt before revealing them to the kiddos:
How can you go wrong with Pepperidge Farms Pirouettes, Mini Donuts, and frosting?
We will close out our Feast Day by candlelight, reading Luke 2:22-40.  You can find all of Luke Chapter 2 here.  And scriptural rosary meditations on the Presentation in the Temple here.

Some other great resources:
Catholic Icing
All-powerful Father,
Christ your Son became man for us
and was presented in the temple.
May he free our hearts from sin
and bring us into your presence.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen

The Liturgy of the Hours


  1. Both of these crafts turned out great! A couple of years ago we rolled beeswax candles and took them to mass to have them blessed. The kids loved doing that, we still have some candles that haven't been used. We are snowed in this year, so no mass today :( I will have to plan for it for next year. I read somewhere a suggestion to take next year's Advent candles to be blessed. I thought that was a great idea!

  2. those are lovely paper candles Tiffany, and i love your home altar. in reading Mary Vitamin this morning, I was so moved to read that while others offered their child to God at the presentation, Our Lday offered her child to death for the salvation of the world. that she knew all along the suffering she was accepting. have a blessed feast day!

  3. How much fun! That edible ones looks so yummy:) Those prayers you attached to the post are so beautiful! Hope little britches feels better soon.

  4. thanks so much for sharing. my little ones loved making the candles. i linked back to your post. AMDG

  5. Thank you so much for the beautiful craft idea of the candles. We're doing it in church today!
