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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Living Water Hike

"The one whose hope is in the Lord is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream."~Jer 17:7-8
Today we had a beautiful break in our very rainy and stormy weather...
It was a blessing to get outdoors to see the beauty of the lush green hills after a good rain, unfolding new life and signs of spring all around us!  
After Sunday church services, Super Boy's Tiger Den (and families) ventured out on a nature hike!  We headed for a historical trail close to a major river, just a short driving distance from our city limits.  I couldn't help but reflect on the weekend's gospel theme of living water. Whoever drinks the water that I shall give him, says the Lord, will have a spring inside him, welling up for eternal life. ~John 4:13-14 How perfect was this?  The river setting was a special place of grace to meditate upon the Word of God as the living water to cleanse and refresh the spirit.
A beautiful covered bridge (built in 1857) is the longest covered bridge still standing in our state.  It's right around 330 feet long.  I remember being able to drive through it when I was a kid but now it's only open to foot traffic.  I think it's a spectacular backdrop to the glorious, rushing, fresh, river water.
Ready, set, go...A race to the other side!
Gotta love this quote.
These mighty Oak trees were pretty amazing.  I paused to reflect upon the depth of my own roots in  frequent prayer...Are they as sturdy as this Oak?
You can see the covered bridge through the trees here.  Oh how this little boy loves to climb!
We all thirst, don't we?  Thirsting for the living God, we cry out to Him.  He cleanses us in His mercy.  "I will gather you from the ends of the earth; I will pour clean water on you and wash away all your sins.  I will give you a new spirit within you, says the Lord." ~Ez 36:23-26
 I felt each step become a prayer of thanksgiving, almost beyond myself.  It's as if our souls step outside ourselves when we are in the glory of His creation, becoming a compass pointing directly to Him. 
Regardless of your beliefs, God whispers of himself through His infinite beauty.  It is undeniably so.
The kids romped and rumbled along God's perfect playground on this, The Lord's day.
Pope Benedict XVI  has a beautiful quote about nature:
"In contact with nature, a person rediscovers his correct dimension, rediscovers himself as a creature, small but at the same time unique, with a capacity for God because interiorly he is open to the Infinite."  I'd like to add an Amen to that!
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived...
This hike was the perfect physical and spiritual rejuvenation as we approach the half way mark to our Lenten 40 days, this week.
I'd love for our whole family to do this hike together next year, using the same readings for reflection.
A nature hike transformed into a Living Water hike...I think we've just found ourselves a new Lenten tradition!


  1. These are really beautiful photos! It's amazing what a bit of time outside can do!

  2. Tiffany, I often wonder, while in the midst of that type of beauty, how can one not see God in all of it? So happy for you to have had that opportunity. I would love to go somewhere like that with my husband on a enjoy all of God's beauty together.

  3. P.S. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, what a lovely hike!!

  5. Tiffany, I admire so much how you can see Our Lord in all you do. Of course, the beauty you photographed just speaks GOD GOD !!! I love the quotes you put in your post. The picture of you and three of your chidlren is so wonderful!! oh to go without a coat! it'll be a while for us, still.

  6. Oh what a beautiful field trip this is for your little ones. I miss the mountains. I live in South Florida... and it's always flat and sunny, oops sometimes very rainy. I love the picture of you and your children. You are inspire me to take better pictures. I am still learning the settings on my camara. lol.
    I agree with Gardenia , I truly love the quotes under your photos. God bless you!

  7. Thank you all for the very sweet compliments:-) Can you believe these photos are all taken with my i-phone!? Just imagine what a good lens could do! God Bless the rest of your Lenten journeys as you also may welcome the Spring before long!

  8. Beautiful pictures! How I wish I were in them! Things are still gray and dreary here in Wisconsin but soon we'll be enjoying the beauty of the hand of God that you are already reveling in.

    Happy Blog Anniversary, too! And please do enter me in your drawing!
