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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Harvest of Holiness

~October is one of my favorite months...Celebrating the Holy Rosary~

Of course it's near and dear to my heart since my first baby was born on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and my birthday also falls on the Marian feast of Our Lady of Good Remedy.
This whole Fall season and beautiful month of feast days is like a harvest of holiness!

The highlight of my week was pulling out my Fall wreath and hanging a Rosary on the front door to celebrate the liturgical theme for this month.  It's also a good reminder to get back to prayerful habits that often get temporarily interrupted in our lives.

Hanging a Rosary on our front door reminds me of this quote:
"The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin...If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary.  Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors." ~Pope Pius XI~

We added this (broken) one to some twig pumpkins I have, perfect with these praying hands that my MIL painted for us:
"The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings.  There is no more excellent way of praying."~Pope Leo XIII~
Patty's collage  of warm and inviting Fall photos inspired me to bring DIG out more Fall decor. The weather here is not traditional Fall weather until November:( But we had cooler temps this week so I was ready and motivated to tackle the storage boxes!  It was fun to enjoy a few of my favorite "pumpkin" things this week, including some of my favorite pumpkin scents!
Little things= Big joy
I love pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin spice creamer too:)
My whole family enjoys this quick bread with a handful of added chocolate chips!
And this pumpkin cream cheese is amazing...If you have a local Trader Joe's, be sure to check it out!
A few more glimpses of our Fall decor ...
Our prayer table...
The Dollar Tree is carrying these neat felt Fall leaves and pumpkins.
The natural rhythm of the liturgical year warms my spirit as we move into the change of season.  They move together in God's perfect motion.  It's a fitting time to ponder the life of our Lord more deeply through the beautiful meditation and prayers of the Rosary, not just for decorating!  These prayers, recounting the life and history of Christ, are destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.

For more great Rosary resources, see The Catholic Toolbox and Catholic Icing.  Xhonane from  Catholic Family is also hosting a rosary link-up.  I shared a link with some ideas for Rosary treats that we made last year.  Jen over at Forever, For Always, No Matter What, also shares a creative Rosary book that she made as a learning tool for her children.

~May God bless each of your homes and provide you with your own abundant harvest of holiness~
A heartfelt Thank You for all of the special birthday wishes from bloggy friends too:)


  1. Happy Birthday Again Tiffany! And I love the wording Harvest of Holiness! =) I love all your wreaths. I must ask: did you make them yourself? Lovely idea with the rosary on the wreath. I think I might add that to my Thanksgiving wreath this year. What a blessed and beautiful touch!

  2. Tiffany, you always have a beautiful liturgical altar table set up! and it inspires me. I love your decorations -- your rosary wreath, and the quote that the rosary is "the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings" touched me. The evils of this world can put us in a spiral, and reading that made me feel better. I'm off to get my rosary! ((I actually carry one in my pocket everyday everywhere, and it sure helps me stay focused on our Lord and Lady. God bless.

  3. Such lovely fall decor! Makes me smile! I never thought about adding a rosary to a wreath. It does give it a special touch.

  4. I love the idea of using a broken rosary to add to fall decor!! What a great way to make use of them, and to have that constant reminder of this special month.

  5. Your home looks gorgeous and I wish I could see it in person! I really love the idea of the rosary in the wreath, I remember it from last year. What a beautiful and powerful quote from Pope Pius. Hope you have a wonderful birthday this weekend! Thanks for the linky love too.

  6. Such a nice way to remember the rosary!

    PS wish I lived next door and could run over for a cup of coffee!

  7. October is one of my favorite months, too. We have an October 7th birthday, too... an anxious daughter who will officially be a teen tomorrow. :) I like the idea of a rosary on a wreath very much. I'm going to add one today to our fall wreath on the front porch. God bless

  8. Ditto to what scmom (Barbara) wrote. Such lovely and holy reminders. And that coffee? Where in the world did you find it? Oh my goodness!
