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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sometimes Life Kicks You In The Teeth...Calvary or Bust!

Well our weekend started out with ultimate peace!  We got away camping with some neighbor friends and loved having our little lakeside campground all to ourselves.  What is classified as a very busy place in the summer months was nearly empty in January.  The quiet was deafening and just what we needed to reset the compass of our souls to the simple setting of God's creation.  As I sat back and enjoyed this beautiful sunset, it felt like a little piece of heaven.  I felt like I wanted to stay here forever:) 
The littles had fun running through the trees chasing wild bunnies...They were so cute with their white cotton tails:)
And scootering the hills...
We always play fun games when we go camping that we don't always make time to do at home.  
I love this about stopping to take things back down to the basics.

Nothing like a campfire! 

Do I look relaxed???
Well... this was right before life kicked me in the teeth!  Lest I think about leaving, the Cross beckons.

The next day we headed up the hill to visit one of my husband's Fire Department friends (his crew Engineer). He had invited us to his beautiful property up on a hill so people in our group could shoot their rifles and shotguns.  Their gun range overlooks the foothill mountains and it was a gorgeous day. We aren't regular gun users, nor are we hunters, but we respect those who are.
I hadn't shot any type of rifle since my Army days so I was encouraged to participate in this day's adventure...You know, homeschooling "domestic warrior" that doesn't get out much!

Long story short, when I held the gun up to my face and fired, the kick-back from the butt of a shortened gun KICKED me square in my 2 front teeth!!!  BAM...It actually felt more like a horse just kicked me in the teeth. I was literally stunned as I realized that both teeth might be gone. 
As it turned out, one of my front teeth was barely hanging on...It had been pushed back quite a bit from the blow and was very loose and bleeding.  The other tooth was also out of place and had chipped.  
Luckily, my dentist is a personal aquaintance and she has known our family for years.  I called her cell phone right away and she agreed to meet me at her office for an emergency check.  It was a blessing that we were only about an hour from home so a dear friend in the group drove me down the hill.

The sweet dentist proceeded to push my teeth back in place to stabilize them and but a little brace across the front, which acts as sort of a splint for the weekend.  I think I was in shock because I prayed a Hail Mary and headed back up the hill right away.  Though it felt like the hill to Calvary, I was eager to be with my family again.  

We proceeded to fish and I made a spaghetti dinner before we headed home... Denial maybe?
I was glad that I made it just in time to see my daughter's first fish!
In sharing this story, I realize I run the risk of judgement for participating in a risky activity that led to a significant accident.   Yet it is my humble opinion that sometimes terrible accidents happen when we are just moving a long through life.  I have been witness to that on more than one occasion!  My oldest son suffered a terrible bike accident and skinned up half of his face when he was younger, all while being properly supervised and wearing a helmet.  Yet I don't move forward by telling my other children that they shouldn't ride bikes out of fear that they "might crash."  I believe that even the best intentions don't prevent accidents...Sometimes "stuff just happens" and life kicks us in the teeth. If everything moved a long perfectly, we would never learn a thing. 
In fact, when things move a long smoothly, or we have great things happen in our lives, our pastor refers to these as "wow moments."  During his homily today he noted that these "wow" moments aren't going to carry us through life.  It's the trials and tribulations that lead us closer to God.  So here I am, closer to God than I was yesterday...Hallelujah for that!  

I even began my morning, before Mass, feeling anxious about the possible damage that will be assessed on Monday.  It's not the end of the world to have your teeth smashed yet it was still quite traumatic.  The first Mass reading was another special grace and consolation as it began with "Brothers and Sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties." ~1 Corinthians 7:32~ This was just what I needed to hear...Together with the homily, and the Bread of Life, I am equipped to tackle another day. 

May I kindly ask for your prayers?
Tomorrow I'll have dental x-rays to find out where to go from here...Best case is that I'll need a root canal or two on those front teeth and get to keep them.  Worst case is that I'll lose a tooth and need oral surgery and a tooth implant.

I am also praying for the intercession of St. Apollonia, who is the Patron of dental issues.  She had all of her teeth knocked out as she was persecuted for her faith.  My goodness, my injury is nothing compared to hers!

Sometimes life kicks us in the teeth but we make haste to pick up our Cross and head back up the hill.  "Calvary or Bust", I say!  Thank you so much for prayers received:)


  1. I will be keeping you in prayer, Tiffany. Pax Christi!!

  2. Goodness what a weekend! In the midst of everything you are such an encouragement and example! You will, of course, have my prayers. Other then the accident it sounds like you had a lovely time away! :)

  3. Oh, Tiffany! How painful. And frightening! I couldn't have made it back up the hill. And then cooked dinner? You're my hero!
    We'll offer our rosary tonight for you, and the best possible outcome at your dental appointment.
    A speedy recovery too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog with us.

  4. Thank you for prayers, Melody, Jessica, and Kara! I will surely be blessed by them:)

  5. praise God that you immediately turned to Our Blessed Mother. may she continue to comfort you and lead you directly to her beloved son. prayers for you and your dentist.
    Pax Christi, lena

  6. I thought you'd get a kick out of knowing tonight I found my way to to say the rosary for you and was able to enter a special intention for "faiththful servant Tiffany" and guess what? There were 116 people saying the rosary together!!!

  7. Kara, you have really touched my heart! Thank you so much and this is a beautiful site you discovered. God bless you and your hands of prayer:)

  8. oh my goodness Tiffany!! Lots of prayers for you today. I'm glad you were able to see a dentist asap, hopefully you have good news today. I had a root canal done many years ago, and had to have it redone in November. The procedure isn't fun but much, much better than it used to be!! Hang in there :)

  9. Well, that makes us nowhere near even! Through your blog you have touched my heart so many times leaving me speechless..thus commentless:-) You are amazing! Thank you so much for your mama cave. I hope you made out well at the dentist today. You've been in our thoughts and prayers.

  10. oh Tiffany. I'm just now reading your post, and so you've already been to the dentist today, but I'm still sending up prayers for you that, whatever the result of the dental check, you have peace about what is the recommended course of action to repair the injury. oh friend, I'm with you in spirit and prayer. do let us know how everything goes. I'm so amazed at your quiet acceptance of life's kicks!

  11. Oh!! Tiffany, I will be *praying* for you. I can only imagine how traumatized you are. Bless you for carrying on and finding the blessings in your weekend.

    As a side note- my daughter had the similar type of bike accident. She had a helmet on and all, but a cat darted between her wheels. There was nothing that could be done- and poor hubby was driving ahead in our van and saw the whole thing in his rear view mirror. I think he was more traumatized than she was. All that to say you're right- life just happens that way sometimes.

  12. Oh my that is quite a painful accident! And to think you even went back and made a spaghetti dinner! You're amazing!

  13. That's what I love about family dentists: they accept visitations without thinking twice. Your kids looked smart. Good catch, girl!

    Ed Hochhalter
