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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Climbing in the Hole

The other day I was sitting in the church for my Holy Hour of Adoration and I got the feeling that I wished I could just climb right through that hole in the Monstrance and be with Jesus...Just curl up in His arms and lay my head against His most Sacred Heart.  I have no particular trauma in my life but I was just feeling beaten down and bruised from the daily grind. Do you ever feel that way?  Plus I had (Lenten) root canal #2 coming up that was stressing me out! Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament never fails to bring me just the peace I need, coupled with the yearning for Him that keeps me persevering the storms of my faith and life journey. 

Later that same day, I was out for a run (which I've recently started back up again:) and this was the picture I saw in the clouds.  Isn't it just beautiful?  It seemed like a little hole to heaven after what I had thought about earlier during my morning Adoration.  What an amazing consolation this was and I could hardly believe my eyes!  I quickly snapped a few more photos...
The stormy sky was so dark and dramatic that it added an extra brightness to the light shining through the clouds, which triggered a flood of emotions and tears, by the way!
"Thank you, Lord", was all I could manage to utter under my breath...
The hole in the clouds heavens soon faded away but joy filled the aftermath of my heart.
A few days later, I read this quote somewhere...
"Hidden God, devoutly I adore Thee, truly present beneath these veils: all my heart subdues itself before Thee, since all before Thee faints and fails."~St. Thomas Aquinas (Adoro Te Devote)
Speaking of holes, today was the dreaded day of that #2 front tooth root canal and crown, brought about from my accident right before Lent.  Lo and behold, all went perfectly fine, Praise God.  I still ache from the first one but I'm hoping that I'll soon be on a road to recovery after this one! I must say that having 2 root canals during Lent has been quite fitting. Aside from the "test" it's been since I despise dental work, the root canals have incorporated all three components of my fasting, prayer, and almsgiving!  At least this is my way of looking at it positively since those root canals have certainly brought out the wimp in me;)

And now Holy Week is nearly upon us. Thank God, the hole (tomb) at the end of Holy Week leads to the glory and hope of the resurrection. A sign in front of a nearby church, with this quote, is setting my mood!


  1. Tiffany, I love this! In that first picture of the sky the birds almost look like a distant cross. What a blessing for you! Prayers for speedy healing from the root canal and for a blessed Holy Week!

    1. Thank you, Anne! I sure miss you....Hope you are having a fruitful Lent and God Bless your Holy Week too:)

  2. I love what you wrote, and I love the pictures, truly beautiful...but I have to bring your camera with you while running?

    And way to go on getting out for a run!!!

    1. Hi Jamie~Ha ha, great question! I actually carry my cell phone which has a camera built in:)

  3. Oh, and praying you heal fast....

  4. Was praying for you and that darned root canal #2...still praying for a smooth recovery. That picture is amazing. Just amazing. I love God moments like that!

  5. Exactly, God moments, as Patty said. Don't you just feel yourself filled up with the Holy Spirit when you see things like this? Always, when we need a little encouragement, find ourselves in the depths, Our Lord shows us His love. How beautiful that you can "see" with eyes of love the great Love Our Lord sends us daily. God bless your aching from the root canals. I had one myself -- the front tooth too! and it does get better... :)

    1. Amen,Gardenia! I am always so grateful that God is there just when we need it the most. Thanks for the root canal support:)
