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Thursday, April 12, 2012

5 Ways to Keep Easter Rejoicing!

1.  Find reason for a happy dance.  Christ is Risen for goodness sakes...This calls for a victory celebration!

It was a REAL week of Easter Joy around our house.
Can you believe we filled up 2 of these baby blues?
I blame the Easter grass for sending me into a cleaning frenzy...That stuff drives me nuts like nobody's business.

Let's just say that this week was our Spring Break so we took advantage of some time off to do some much-needed chores and work around the house and yard.  A big family...Definitely a bonus:) We got a ton done with a team of 7.  Well, really 6...We had to make our Fire Captain supervise only since he is still off duty with a sprained knee and hip.

I did a super big happy dance when we were through! I know it sounds menial but it really was a victory celebration in our own way.  Since we should be looking for ways to rejoice during the Easter season, I think my clean-up happy dance counts as Easter joy:) 

2. Shout out lots of this beautiful word...
I got this Easter mantel idea from Charlotte a couple of years ago;)  It's now a tradition that we unpack the Alleluia on Easter morning.  The children always look forward to listening for the Alleluia's in the liturgy from now on...And so do I!

3. Look for God's glory in His creation and life all around us.  After all, His goodness is what we celebrate at Easter.  He tells us to seek and we shall find.

It was a solidly rainy week and this was our reward yesterday...A full rainbow over our Court!
I proceeded to go on a rainbow chase and captured a few more neat photos around our neighborhood.
Our parish Fatima shrine...God's glory at it's finest.
4.  Keep letting your Easter light shine!  
Easter isn't over...Smile more often, Easter is the beginning of our eternal hope.

Speaking of light, I put away all of our Lenten violet candles and replaced them with Easter white.  White is the liturgical color of Easter that symbolizes joy.
We made this Paschal candle last year during Holy Week.  I was able to pull off using it one more year by changing the bottom part of the year from an 11 to a 12 with a Sharpie pen...I really only had to change the last number from a 1 to 2.  You can't even tell...Shouting out another Alleluia for squeezing a little more light out of this one!
5.  Seek to recognize Jesus all around us...In both expected and unexpected ways.

This is my favorite reason to rejoice.  He is made known to us today, just as He was made known to His disciples in the breaking of the bread.  Alleluia! (Lk 24:35)
May we recognize our risen Lord on the throne of grace, through the beauty of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist.

May we recognize our risen Lord, too, in unexpected places...Especially in those who are poor in body, mind and spirit.  May we be strengthened by the courage of the disciples to shine our Easter light in the most difficult places of our lives.

"My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.
I will sing, I will sing your praise.
Awake, my soul,
Awake, lyre and harp,
I will awake the dawn."
Psalm 108


  1. lovely post, Tiffany. full of Easter joy for our Lord! I need to work on "shining my Easter light" on those difficult places in my life. God bless your joy !!

  2. What a way to clean out house!! I find the older I get the more my family can do without. The family teases me. Whenever something is missing they say that it has been Patty-i-tized (in the trash.) LOL

    Your mantle looks gorgeous as do your white candles. Great idea by bringing out all those white candles.

    I forgot about your paschal candle you did in the past. I had ordered ours from Illuminated Ink but never had time to put it together. Next year for sure.

    Gorgeous rainbow! Those always put a smile on my face!

  3. Beautiful post Tiffany! I think we could get a garbage thing like that every year!! I bet that feels good!

    That rainbow is just amazing!

  4. Thank you for sharing your Easter joy. It's truly heartwarming. I'm offering an ALLELUIA for you.

    Stunning pictures of His covenant - rainbow. Love your Paschal Candle. Prayers for the Captain.

    May you continue to have a blessed Eastertide.

    Pax, Lena

  5. Your Easter joy radiates out from your blog post both in pictures and text. Love your beautiful Easter white decorations and the pretty angel picture! But God's rainbow artwork in the sky is spectacular! I would have wanted to run around capturing more pictures of it too. Blessings to you and your family. Praying that your hubby is feeling better soon.

  6. I get your victory celebration. Facing the mountain and tackling it feels so good. I love all of your pictures and your reflections.

    I know it is late, but if you know anyone who was on the fence about the conference tomorrow, I think it is going to be spectacular. I was there helping get things set up today.
