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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fortnight For Freedom Ride

Sometimes it's hard not to feel helpless when the tempest rages all around us in the world today.  The Fortnight For Freedom has been a great (and positive) force to help conquer that feeling of helplessness.  Like a good family, Catholics around the world have rallied around Mother Church to pray, fast, educate ourselves, and stand up for Religious Freedom in our country.

Some of the families from our parish Youth Group decided to take a little extra step to show our support...A bike ride for freedom! 
T-shirts were quickly made...
front and back.  One of our priests suggested we put something on the back to be sure that bystanders would see it while we were riding:)  Great idea!
We met for morning Mass and gathered in prayer...
 Mother Mary, please pray for us!
We were set to go on our ride around the city...Approximately 6.8 miles.  (Even blessed to be joined by one of our priests) For some of us it was a small mortification and for others it was just something...A small action step towards something bigger than ourselves...A sign of our faith.
As for me, I'm not the most coordinated bike rider...Even Father said it was a good thing I was wearing a helmet! As for dear husband, he was riding just 4 weeks after a minor knee operation so he offered up his struggle.
It turned out to be a glorious morning to be out and about in the community.  Though we did lose a couple of riders due to bike malfunctions, the rest of the riders gave it their best "umph."  After all, "The difference between try and triumph is a little upmh!"
Drafting might be a cycling trick where riders go in single file to block the wind for the other people behind them, taking turns being the one in front.  Yet we can also use this analogy in our life of faith.  Yes, the battle wages on like a powerful headwind, but we are encouraged by a community that we can take turns drafting behind.  As in our Freedom Ride, there is always drafting support and hope to be found in the body of Christ, despite the struggles we face.  


  1. What a wonderful way to put feet (or wheels ;)) to your prayers! Bless you and your group of freedom riders. :)

  2. Way to go!!!! So proud of you all! (As is Our Father in Heaven :)

  3. Tiffany, You guys do awesome things to show your love and fidelity for for Our Lord! I love those tshirts. so creative. that 6.8 mile ride would've been big time mortification for me. ;) have a great Fourth.

  4. I meant to let you know that those pics, including the Francis Scott Keys’ memorial, are in GG Park.

  5. Wonderful. May God bless America, and may God bless you.
