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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Adopt A Cardinal

I was so excited to hear of this neat website where you can Adopt A Cardinal!
Maybe some of you have heard of this but I had to share it, just in case.
The idea is similar to the Saint Generator...You pray a short prayer that the Holy Spirit will match you and your family with a special Cardinal to pray for starting now, through the conclave and Pope election process.
Who knows...You could be praying for the next Pope himself!?  Regardless, it is an honor to be personally involved in praying for this momentous time in history!
Our family is humbled to be assigned to pray for Cardinal Angelo Scola!  We have actually heard of him but we now have a new Lenten mission to find out more as we offer our most earnest prayers.
Who are you praying for?  
+If you are so inclined, I invite you to come back and share if you decide to commit to this wonderful opportunity+

As he departs his post, Charlotte from Waltzing Matilda created a marvelous new coloring page for Pope Benedict XVI.


  1. Great idea! I'll give it a whirl!

    Happy Lent, Tiffany!

  2. Very cool!!! We'll have to join in.

  3. What a wonderful thing! I'm headed right over, and thank you for sharing this.

  4. Isn't this a WONDERFUL idea?! I was so excited when I first heard about this last night!!! I have the honor of praying for Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois (Paris, France) and my husband will be praying for Cardinal Ivan Dias (India). :)

  5. We will be praying for Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne Peru.

  6. Thank you letting me and your other readers in on this great cardinal prayer intention site. I joined in and I have Cardinal Theodore-Adrien Sarr from Dakar, Senegal. I'm going to have my students pray for him as well! May God bless you and your family Tiffany!

  7. Forgot to mention that I posted it and linked it back to you :)

  8. I just ran across your blog...I did it prior to the conclave and got NY Archbishop and USCCB head, Cardinal Dolan.

    Interestingly enough, you got MY favorite Cardinal, Angelo Scola, the man I wanted to be the 266th (after St. Peter) Bishop of Rome! Sadly, Cardinals Berone, Re and Sodano made sure he did not ascend to the helm, :(
