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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Left My (old) Heart In Rome! (Part 3)

Part 3 begins...
(Here are the links if you missed Part 1 or Part 2)
Were you starting to wonder if we ever saw daylight, outside of a church?
Well, yes we did! 
Being the joyful Catholics that we are, there are many things we enjoyed in Rome after our bodies, brains, and souls were exhausted from the day's spiritual workout:)
Cappuccino and an Italian pastry anyone?
Many, many, stops like these made for very happy pilgrims:)
Since I wasn't feeling well enough to drink much wine, this was my favorite drink!
Oh, how I miss these!
Gelato in the rain, anyone?
This was my son's favorite Gelateria while he was on his University of Dallas Rome Semester. Of course I tried his recommended Biscotti, Nutella, and Banana Gelato!  Yuuuuuummmm!
It was really neat for me to walk in the footsteps of my college boy since he had just been there just 1 month prior!  He gave me some great tips, like the one above:)  AND... 
 Some free time led us to one of his favorite views of Rome on top of Hotel Minerva. Thankfully, it was one of the clearest, sunniest, days we had!
We couldn't miss Trevi Fountain... 
It is said that if you toss a coin over your left shoulder, you are sure to return to Rome again!  Of course we tossed...And we threw one in for our husbands too:)
I think my favorite free time "pit stop" was the Peroni Brewery (Italian Beer) and Restaurant.  I'm more of a beer drinker than a wine-o so I was looking forward to this place!  We weren't disappointed, it was awesome...And might I say that great minds think alike?
(hee hee;-)
Speaking of Popes...Our second close encounter with Pope Francis was another amazing experience, to say the least!  Once again, we had the most spectacular seats, next to the aisle, at the Basilica of St. Paul. 
We were really hoping for that Pope Francis selfie but we were just too swept up in the moment to pull it off!
Can you say Rock Concert, Catholic-style?
We were just a little excited...
The official Poperazzi Trio!
Waiting has never been so wonderful!
What a beautiful procession!
Christian leaders, including representatives from the Orthodox Church and Anglican communion, as well as many faithful from all around the word were in attendance.
Here he comes!
There he goes!
On his way out, Kim got a little better shot:)
Sooooo Close!
The premise of this evening prayer service with Pope Francis was to close the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  A great article was written about it by Catholic News Agency.
I paticularly loved this quote by the Holy Father from his homily:
"Christ, dear friends, cannot be divided! This conviction must sustain and encourage us to persevere with humility and trust on the way to the restoration of full visible unity among all believers in Christ." 
Gathering around the table for dinner was a beautiful way to end the evening as we reflected upon being one family in the body of Christ.
St. Catherine of Siena was one courageous woman who worked for unity.  In fact, she spent the last 2 years of her life in Rome, working tirelessly on the unification of the Church.  She died in 1380 and her remains are buried under the main altar of this beautiful Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
It is said to be the only Gothic church in Rome.  I loved the flying buttresses and royal blue ceilings!
This was an utterly peaceful place to pray...Especially for the prayer intentions:)

Unity was a continual theme for our pilgrimage.  It was especially hopeful in our world that can appear so divided.  It was good to be reminded that Christ is not mine, yours, ours...We are His.  We do not own Him, He owns us.
This was the final prayer from Pope Francis:
"Dear brothers and sisters, let us ask the Lord Jesus, who has made us living members of his body,
to keep us deeply united to him,
to help us overcome our conflicts,
our divisions and our self-seeking,
and to be united to one another by one force,
by the power of love which the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts.  Amen."
Part 4 is the final chapter of our journey, to include our day in Assisi.  Thank you for coming a long!


  1. Oh Tiffany! Yet another remarkable post. I love it!! The sites. The sounds and smells. Walking in your son's college path as well. See our papa yet again! What a fantastic trip. Looking forward to part 4! :)

  2. I have enjoyed these posts, Tiffany! Thank you for your prayers... I had a little scare, but thanks be to God... all is very well. Happy weekend! +JMJ+

  3. Another amazing post, Tiffany! Even the brewery is gorgeous!! I love that you were able to walk in your son's footsteps. So very cool indeed :-) One day you will have to return together. Thanks for sharing. Love these posts sweet friend.

  4. I just love all your posts and this trip! And to experience the same places as your son must have been amazing, as well! Your heart, mind, soul, and body must have been exhausted from trying to take in all this...I'm getting overwhelmed just imagining how I would be feeling from experiencing Heaven on earth in sooooo many wonderful ways! And you saw Pope Francis again! WOW! I wonder if he recognized you in the crowd, his "stalker"! LOL! :) Can't wait to read Part 4 and of course I'm pinning this post too! :)
