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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Almost Anticipation

This is almost like a Wordless Wednesday post...But with a few words.
I just love these photos of my oldest (age 17) and youngest (age 3).
All siblings have unique relationships but there's something about
observing your teenage son spend time (voluntarily) and express tenderness towards his baby sister.  It warms this mother's heart.
I admire from afar with "almost anticipation" about him leaving for college.
I feel God preparing my heart for his absence...
These next 18 months will fly by.
I pray for these tender moments to linger in my heart...
There are no words to describe the "Almost Anticipation..."


  1. lovely photos. mer-man is a great big brother and strong warrior for Christ.

    i feel the quickening, too. i'm diligently covering it all in prayer and enjoying each moment.

    mer-man will be a blessing wherever he goes.


  2. These are the pre-warning signs of a great father in the making!

  3. Oh, I am right with you in your anticipation. It's a beautiful pain, watching your oldest grow to manhood and prepare for life on his own, and it comes so incredibly fast!

    These pictures are lovely! I had to smile when I noticed your son's jeans hanging low-that's a constant battle in our house-every other sentence seems to be "pull them up!" :)
