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Thursday, February 17, 2011

"All For" a Nun Run!

I am so excited about this opportunity that Lena from JOYfilled family is coordinating...
It's a Nun Run!
This falls perfectly upon my path, as I have been attempting to get "Fit For The King," Christ the King, that is.
Last Fall, I was inspired by Mamas Movin With Mary and got back into running.  I ran a  5K in December, the first in about 10 years.
Recently I have also discovered the Rosary Workout which has also enhanced my goal to be 
Fit For The King, through Mary, Our Leading Lady!
I'm thankful for this opportunity to continue on my journey... ALL FOR.
"I thank you Lord, with all my heart."~Psalm 138~
Please join in as a "Shadow Runner"...

Run/walk with Team ALL FOR!
We will be participating in the 2nd Annual NUN RUN 2011 - March 12, 2011.
NUN run in desert
The Nun Run will be held in Tempe, AZ.  It will benefit the Our Lady of Solitude Monastery and the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (Mother Angelica’s Order) in AZ.
Team ALL FOR will be participating as a Shadow Team and will NOT be running in AZ.  As a member of Team ALL FOR, you will run wherever you are are and participate as a Shadow Runner.
You can select to run a 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk, or 1 Mile Walk.  Isn't this a great idea?  Even though we can't all get to Arizona, we can still support the Poor Clares and the King of Glory, through His Most Holy Queen Mother.

Click Over To JOYfilled Family to register!  I'm looking forward to being part of Team ALL FOR and hope you will join us too!
"If I fly with the wings of dawn
and alight beyond the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand hold me fast."~Psalm 139: 9-10~


  1. I saw this somewhere else and thought it was so neat!

  2. I love the picture of the nun running in her habit! All the best to you as you work to get fit for the King! Every now and then I miss my running days. I need to make that a right now instead of a now and then-it's been too long...sigh....
