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Monday, February 21, 2011

Pumping It Up for Lent

 I can feel my heart and soul yearning for Lent.  My internal alarm is going off after the downswing of Christmas flung me into a period of hibernation.  The weather and illness often brings us down, doesn't it?  I know this time of year is notorious for slumps of all kinds.  But I am thankful for the Spirit who is gently nudging me.  It's time.  It's time to game-up again.  It's time to poke my head out from the darkness of my winter hole and engage.  My soul has been lazy...It needs more spiritual exercise...
It's time to pump it up!   
The countdown to Lent is on...Only 17 more days.

I like to bury myself in all of the Catholic book catalogs that come this time of year...There are so many choices in books and tools to make a spiritually successful Lenten Journey.  I like these catalogs much better than the secular ones that fill my mailbox in November and December!  It's a breath of fresh air to concentrate on the reason for a season without commercialism like the junk that tries to rob "Christ"-mas.  But even so, the choices in these religious catalogs can also be overwhelming.  I personally like to have recommendations before I spend [limited] money.  

I just read a wonderful review about this book to use as a Lenten (Home) Retreat.   It caught my eye because I first heard about it from Anne's post over at Imprisoned In My Bones.  
The review from The Catholic Company reads:
"Endorsed by EWTN hosts Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, and Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, this do-it-yourself retreat combines the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Sts. Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowlaska, and Louis de Montfort.
Traditionally, Catholics make a three-fold Lenten sacrifice:
1)Prayer; 2) Fasting; 3) Almsgiving.  When you make this retreat during Lent, you fulfill your Lenten sacrifice completely.  The retreat is made by reading-in a prayerful spirit, of course, and it can be made individually or in a group.  Very effective and remarkably inspiring!"
OK, I'm sold!
I spoke with hubby and he's up for it too.  We will also be including our 17yo. so excited about that.

We like to have a Family Meeting prior to the change in liturgical seasons.
This planning meeting is like our team huddle before the next play.  It really prepares our bodies, minds and souls to be fruitful and (hopefully) better FIT for the battle...
Looking forward to that where we will be setting our family goals and forming a spiritual "workout"plan for Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, pumping it up for Lent!

How are your Lenten plans going?
I love Melanie's Homestead and Bread post, asking "What about More?"
Looking forward to sharing Lenten faith, hope, and love!


  1. The first paragraph... well put! +JMJ+

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for sharing it. God Bless you today and every day!

  3. Tiffany, this is such an uplifting post, and this year I too am so looking forward to Lent. the emptying and cleansing really is something I need and hope for this year. I will have to check out your recommended book. and those two posts you linked. I love that you all have a family meeting.

  4. The older I get, the more I absolutely LOVE Lent. I never heard of a "team huddle" between the changing of liturgical seasons and I love that idea. I think that is what we need to do. Although, we've talked and prepared in the past...I still like the idea that you suggested. And that book! I was thinking that I need a new one this year. I plan to purchase it. Between your post and something I caught on EWTN last night, I am now getting "pumped up" myself! :)

  5. Wow Tiffany! Thank you for inspiring me yet again. What a beautiful testament of your Love and devotion to Jesus and our beautiful Catholic faith. I do enjoy your blog very much. So inspiring. Wish you lived in my neck of the woods. Not many Catholics who live their faith in these very modern and fast times! God bless you!
