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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Golden Chair of St. Peter Fruit Salad

The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter is February 22nd...

To commemorate the day when St. Peter held his first service in Rome, I made this yummy winter fruit salad at named it the "Golden Chair of St. Peter Fruit Salad."  I posted the recipe over at Catholic Cuisine.  Be sure to stop over and give it a try!

It was really easy to carve a chair out of a pineapple.
I just skinned it first...
And then carved a wedge to make the chair:
Then I mixed the fruit salad separately and placed it all in the same bowl.
It doesn't exactly look like the real chair in the picture...
But it was fun to do!
Intercessory Prayer to St. Peter
O God, who hast given unto Thy blessed Apostle Peter
the keys to the kingdom of heaven,
and the power to bind and loose:
grant that we may be delivered,
through the help of this Intercessory,
from the slavery of all our sins:
Who livest and reignest world without end.


  1. Great idea! Learning so much off your blog among others...thank you for sharing! ;) Blessings!

  2. I LOVE all that fruit. I just saw a woman blog about french toast with fruit salsa and coconut sprinkled on top. Yummy!

  3. Wow! That looks great, you are so creative!!

  4. thank you for checking up on me, friend. I've been busy and have neglected reading my friends' blogs. I just caught up on yours. your St. Peter chair is so original! and loved your valentines day posts. thank you again. oh and I'm going to check out Lena's Nun Run.
