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Friday, August 3, 2012

The Beautiful Hands of a Priest

~Happy Feast Day of St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests~
What a great reminder to pray for our beloved priests.  Our family will be dedicating the month of August to praying extra prayers on their behalf.  There are 100 beautiful prayers for priests at this website.  Many of these can also be found on the iPieta App if you have an iPhone or Android.  (This App is one of my favorites)!
I found this poem on the iPieta that I just love:

The Beautiful Hands of a Priest
We need them in life's early morning,
We need them again at its close;
We feel their warm clasp of true friendship,
We seek them when tasting life's woes.
At the altar each day we behold them,
And the hands of a king on his throne
Are not equal to them in their greatness;
Their dignity stands all alone;
And when we are tempted and wander,
To pathways of shame and of sin,
It's the hand of a priest that will absolve us,
Not once, but again and again.
And when we are taking life's partner,
Other hands may prepare us a feast,
But the hand that will bless and unite us
Is the beautiful hand of a priest.
God bless them and keep them all holy,
For the Host which their fingers caress;
When can a poor sinner do better
Than to ask Him to guide thee and bless?
When the hour of death comes upon us,
May our courage and strength be increased,
By seeing raised over us in blessing
The beautiful hands of a priest.
We made these fun Priestly Brownies and posted at Catholic Cuisine!
I also wanted to share this great article from Cardinal Dolan on Priestly Assignments.
St. John Vianney, please pray for us and the beautiful hands of our priests.


  1. Tiffany, I love your idea of dedicating the whole month to prayer for priests! Wonderful! God bless you!

  2. I remember the first time I read about this sainted priest- such a wonderful story!

    What a beautiful prayer! I have always loved the the prayer for priests on my Catholic Baby Steps sidebar (Keep them, I pray thee...), but it was the only one I knew. I am going to check out the website and app! We'll join you in prayers for priests this month!

  3. Thanks for the App fyi! And what a beautiful prayer. Our priests need our prayers at all times, don't they?

  4. that's a nice article by Cardinal Dolan. lovely looking brownies!! and what a beautiful poem. How wonderful that your family is praying for priests all this month!

    I saw this today, and thought you might enjoy:

    God bless you!!

  5. Hi Tiffany, I somehow missed this feast day and will say extra prayers this month, asking for St. John Vianney's intercession for my parish priests!
