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Sunday, August 12, 2012


This is our life in a nutshell right now...Transition! I don't know about you but it isn't easy for me to transition, especially as I get older.  
Changing from one state to another takes a lot of physical and mental effort...It can be nothing short of exhausting.  I took a picture of this lovely word that was featured in our family guidebook for my son's new college.  I'm reflecting on it as we prepare to start back to our home school routine on Wednesday and our college boy leaves 1 week from tomorrow...the countdown is on!

With that being said, transition does have a way of being a good thing.  It definitely heightens the grateful sensors to assist in treasuring the present moments more than ever before.  In our case, a final family outing helped to herald in our particular transition.  We savored a fun day at the beach this past week and enjoyed each moment as time stood still just for a little while...  
A day of surf and sand has a way of easing that sharp turn around the bend!
Can you see the little sea lion swimming in the background? (Below) He/she was so cute:) And we saw dolphins too!
Something about the sea brings peace to the soul. 
 I believe we all felt it.
Though no words were spoken.
 Somehow the many blessings of this day has prepared me to dig in and face the transition ahead.  I will be remembering and cherishing this image in my mind...
As we closed out the day with a beautiful ocean sunset and dinner in the company of cherished friends, we headed home with strengthened spirits.  
I might be ducking under the wave right about now...
But when I rise up to scrape the sand from my face and wipe the salty tears from my eyes, I will surely see beyond the rough tide into a sea of hope.
(Underwater Christ statue, near Malta)
Afterall, when God gives us sand, we must build sandcastles!


  1. Tiffany, these pictures are great! This is a difficult time isn't it? That letting go and trying not to worry about the future, trying to make peace with the now and accept the change of the first one leaving home is a challenge. My oldest leaves for college next week, too. I feel the pain of transition as well. God be with you and your family on this new life adventure!

  2. Praying that you all have a smooth and peaceful transition into this new phase of life! Great photos and a agree, there is something about the water that is so calming. A good reminder I guess of how powerful our God is!

  3. What a wonderful time at the beach and such beautiful pictures! I just read your comment that you left me and immediately thought it must be time for Mer-man to be heading off to college, so, I popped over to say hello and offer a long distance hug and some prayers for Momma! Transition can be scary and so difficult at times. I am going through a smaller version as my oldest turned 10 this year and is not a child so much any more as he is a young adult. Time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn't it? I am sure that everything will go well and that you both will make a smooth transition.
    Much peace and prayers to you sweet friend and enjoy this last week :-)

  4. Beautiful pictures on what was surely a beautiful day. I'm not one for transition either. Thank you for inspiring words. I always look forward to reading your posts.

  5. Beautiful and inspiring. You help so many others that find themselves in the same position and have a hard time putting their feelings into words, Tiffany. You are a beacon for so many others :) I'm thinking and praying for you daily as this transition comes marching head on. Life is funny isn't it? It keeps happening even if we want to pause for a moment, a day or two.

  6. Praying that all goes well as your family makes this transition. It is the first of many, but I honestly think it is the most difficult parenting transition!

    BTW- we could see the beach you were at from our beach on Sat! Have you been to the little museum down there? We walked right by it for years and years, and just stopped in recently.

  7. I admit I shed some tears reading your post this morning. I can't yet imagine what your heart must be experiencing, Tiffany,except that it will be very hard. my sister has made these transitions with her two children, and I don't think it's ever not hard. But it's a product of the great love in your family, that seeing one leave for a bit is so difficult. I'm praying the Sacred Heart of Jesus wraps Himself around your heart and holds you close. Although H's move will affect the whole family, your mother heart needs the extra hugs. God bless you.

  8. Isn't it amazing what God's wonders can do? He always seems to know just what we need! Praying you and the rest of the family have a smooth transition during this phase of life!

  9. You're living this a year ahead of me. My heart goes out to you and I loved your beautiful, beach, family photos!

  10. Thank you, ladies for all of your kind comments, thoughts, and prayers! They are appreciated more than I can express. God bless each of you:)
