Funny how the feast of St. Martha finds me feeling just like her, busying myself with the tasks of life and forgetting to take time to sit at the feet of Jesus.
Where is the love?
Thankfully, today was an Adoration day and how perfectly fitting.
Taking an hour to sit with Jesus was just what I needed.
"Weary" and unworthy was how I arrived at the foot of the cross this morning...Mostly weary of my shortcomings.
Frustrated... I should know better, to be better, about correcting my mistakes.
Disappointed with myself, I sat there, gazing up at Jesus and wondered why I couldn't be more like Mary?
I prayed and I surrendered all to Him, unworthy as I am.
And then I opened my book of prayer and scripture, seeking a lifeline.
Today's morning prayer in the Magnificat began with this little gift of love:
"Well I know your trouble,
O my servant true;
You are very weary~
I was weary too,
But that toil shall make you
Someday all my own~
And the end of sorrow
Shall be near my throne."
So if that wasn't a hug from heaven, I don't know what is!
Grace rained down.
Our loving Lord always answers with the gift of love and grace, just when we need it.
This serves as yet an ongoing reminder to turn to Him when we are low, even when we feel weary and disappointed with ourselves.
I continued reading:
"The Lord is, indeed, extravagant in His love for us, his sometimes most unreliable servants."
Well, this just about summed things up.
Yes, we are unreliable servants.
Yes, we are weary.
Yes, we are human.
But God's love is the constant, less we forget.
Only by His power of grace, love, and mercy can we be liberated from ourselves so that we can open our own hearts to love more deeply.
Afterall, "God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him."~John 4:16~
St. Martha stands now in the great assembly of the just who have been delivered from death to sing His praise for ever.
I think I can only pray to truly be like St. Martha, singing His praises!
St. Martha loved God and He loved her in spite of herself.
~St. Martha, please pray for us!~

St. Martha loved God and He loved her in spite of herself.
~St. Martha, please pray for us!~

These really neat photos were taken by Fernando,one of our Youth Leaders at a recent Youth Campout/Retreat. The kids used a flashlight to create the design, while the photographer used slow shutter speed. The first picture is done by my son and the cross by his friend. I thought they were amazing!