Grace Marie
September 8, 2009
~Her precious feet at 20 weeks~
This post is dedicated to our friends Dan and Kim...
And their 3 sweet sons
~On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows~
Honoring the life of their daughter, Grace Marie.
And to all parents who grieve the loss of a child,
We pray that Our Mother Mary hold you close under the peaceful protection of her mantle until you are reunited with your precious little ones.
This is my dear friend Kim, pregnant with Amazing Grace.
*I love you sweet sister Kim!*
I asked Kim if I could share a glimpse of her story as a tribute to baby Grace and the miracle of life itself. As a witness of Kim's journey, I can testify that Baby Grace is proof that no life is created in vain.
Let me tell you, this little Godly gift named Grace wrung hearts out to dry after many tears soaked the spirits of her family and friends. Yet at the same time her soul created a tidal wave of love. I watched love bring light to Dan and Kim in their darkness. Love did not fail. I don't know why I am amazed that love pours forth in the midst of sorrow. We know this is true, so why are we surprised? Maybe it's not really surprise but relief. I was relieved and thankful that God's gift of grace was certainly evident in the brief life of this child, hence her fitting name of Grace. She was God's gift of love, magnified through the lens of grief.
Baby Grace lived a brief life in her Mother's womb...20 weeks.
She was the daughter that her Mommy and Daddy prayed for.
She was the sister that her 3 brothers waited for.
And then there was silence, no heart beating.
Mother Mary mopped up buckets of tears on her own birthday, September 8th, 2009.
Grace Marie was given a middle name in honor of our Heavenly Mother, there to greet her with open arms.
The Fifth Sorrow of Mary comes to mind~The Death of Our Lord
"O Lord, give us the strength, like Mary who stood at the foot of the cross, to trust in your own divine plan for us."
The physical body of Grace Marie still clung to her Mommy's womb...
And Mama Kim held on to her baby Grace for as long as possible, not wanting to let her go.
One week later Kim was induced~
It was the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Kim and Dan clung to each other as husband and wife and united their sufferings with Jesus on the cross as Kim gave birth to a perfectly formed baby at 20 weeks, cause of death unknown.
Kim actually delivered baby Grace on the
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows~ 2009.
Dan and Kim held their lifeless daughter on this feast, knowing that Mary also suffered the loss of her child,Jesus, and held Him in her arms after death. This did not diminish Dan and Kim's tears but it illuminated their darkness.
The vision that comes to me is that of two mothers and their witness to earthly life and the hope of eternal life to come.
The Sixth Sorrow of Mary also comes to mind~The Embrace
Mary held the lifeless body of her son.
"Lord, mold and fashion our hearts so that we may be a people who cherish life at all times, and who strive to protect the great dignity of human life each and every day."
The hospital room was the first of many farewells...
Dan and Kim said goodbye to their precious daughter and went home without her for the first time since she was conceived.
Dan and Kim prepared a celebration of life.
~This was the angel urn that carried the remains of Grace Marie~
A Mass was said in the name of life and love...
At the foot of the cross.

With broken hearts and unwavering love, grace rained down~ another farewell.
Mom, Dad, and brothers were not ready to part with their precious angel in the urn quite yet...
One year later, a final farewell is prepared...
September 8, 2010
Our Lady's Birthday,
Once again.
A Sorrowful Mother prepares a perfect place for her daughter...
She clings to another Sorrowful Mother.
The Seventh Sorrow of Mary comes to mind~The Burial of Jesus
Silently, perhaps somewhat stunned and disbelieving, Mary and the others walk away into the darkness of this black afternoon.
"Lord, like Mary, we too must often walk away from that which we cannot comprehend, yet continue to carry within our hearts a spirit of trust and confident faith. Perhaps never is our faith so tested as when we are confronted by total loss and seeming defeat. However, it is in just such moments that we know we must surrender and continue to walk in faith. Help us, Lord, to embrace even those moments of solitude and abandonment so that we might be prepared even more for the mystery of new life and continued participation in your divine plan for us all."
Brothers Bid Farewell
~Roses tied with blue ribbon in honor of Our Lady's Birthday~
~Showers of Roses for Grace Marie~
~Youngest brother makes sure all is good~
A Final Farewell...Until they meet again.
~And that is the story of Amazing Grace and her courageous family, a witness to the world~
"For it is through the living witness of others that we are drawn to God at all. It is because of His creatures, and His work in them, that we come to praise Him."
~St. Teresa of Avila~
I found this prayer quite appropriate today, remembering Kim and all sorrowful mothers who have had children preceding them in death.
My heart goes out to you with all my love.
My afflicted Mother, I will not leave thee alone to weep; no, I will accompany thee with my tears. This grace I now ask of thee: obtain that I may always bear in mind and always have a tender devotion towards the Passion of Jesus and thy sorrows, that the remainder of my days may thus be spent in weeping over thy sufferings, my own sweet Mother, and those of my Redeemer. These sorrows, I trust, will give me the confidence and strength which I shall require at the hour of death, that I may not despair at the sight of the many sins by which I have offended my Lord. They must obtain me pardon, perseverance, and heaven, where I hope to rejoice with thee, and to sing the infinite mercies of my God for all eternity. Thus do I hope; thus may it be. Amen.