It is a very rainy and cooooold weekend here!
Our oldest son had a swim meet and is surely a giant icicle by now...Poor guy. I couldn't be there since we had baseball going at the same time...I hate it when a Mom can't be more than one place at a time, don't you?
Our oldest son had a swim meet and is surely a giant icicle by now...Poor guy. I couldn't be there since we had baseball going at the same time...I hate it when a Mom can't be more than one place at a time, don't you?
Our 8yo Superboy is trying his hand at the sport of baseball for the first time and today was Opening Day...Not much of an "Opening Day" since most of it got canceled due to rain.
However, his actual game still played and we froze our way through it and made the best of things...
Or should I say we had a little divine intervention to help us through?
Princess brought her baggy of knotted Rosaries that she is working on making for soldiers overseas, as part of our Little Flowers (Middle Girls) group. She's also making a few extra for gifts:)
Sitting next to us was a Mom that I had made an acquaintance with. It turns out they are a family recently coming back to the Catholic faith. What a joy to hear about her young son who is so devoted to his prayers each night and a teenage daughter just now humbly learning hers.
Like the model Jewish Mother that Our Lady is, she showed her face with perfect timing to lead others straight to her Son. Shortly after Princess brought out her bag of Rosaries, the teenaged girl immediately took interest in the project!
Princess gracefully showed the girl how to make each knot of the prayers on the Rosary decades and her friend caught on quickly!
I just sat there and smiled to myself thinking about how Mary always gets her way. We need only to introduce her to our friends and she immediately leads all of us directly to Jesus. Just a simple and humble introduction is all she needs, nothing flashy or preachy.
I walked away from this baseball game quite (physically) frozen but cozy warm in my soul...That same feeling I get when my little one brings me flowers.
I never cease to be amazed and grateful for moments that God shines His face upon us when we show off His Mother. I recently had a friend tell me a story about a wonderful priest who spoke of God's first miracle...Allowing Mary to carry His divinity within her womb. No wonder she always gets her way!
Well, Superboy lost his baseball game but he sure made a cute little Catcher:)
Praying for my husband and second son who went trekking off on a Boy Scout backpacking trip, this same rainy and cold weekend...
God bless'em!
It's times like this when our large CAV (Catholic Assault Vehicle) sure comes in handy!
Holy Week blessings as your penitential purple violet
is transformed to heavenly white, all through red blood that was shed by our Savior...
+Only by the stain of the Cross are we truly free+

I'm linking up to Moments of Grace as this day truly was!
I'm linking up to Moments of Grace as this day truly was!